Daniela grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, but spent many summer vacations adventuring in Colorado with her family. When she graduated from high scho…
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Daniel is a native of northern California. Educated at the University of California, he has a degree in Comparative Religion, and is a Wilderness …
Danielle first came to NOLS in 1992 on a Fall Semester in the Rockies, and again in 1995 on a Rocky Mountain Instructor Course. She worked as a fi…
Danny has worked in outdoor education since the early '90s and has broad experience with outdoor leadership activities including serving as backcount…
Dan spent much of his childhood exploring the waterways and forests of the Great Lakes Region and here he developed a passion for teaching and advent…
Danya is an EMT and structural firefighter based in Northeast Ohio. Despite growing up amidst mostly corn and soybean fields, Danya does not yet know…
Dan began climbing in Joshua Tree, California in 1976, and on most days can still be found on the same rocks outside his back door. Since the 70’s Da…
Dave is currently in his fourth decade of facilitating learning in the outdoors. His enthusiastic passion for learning, teaching, and mentoring has b…
Dave Hanaman is an outdoor educator, entrepreneur, and executive with leadership experience in business and the military. He passes on his passion f…
David is based in Denver, Colorado where he works full time as a physician assistant in an emergency department. He will always be a teacher and when…
Dave taught his first course in April 2006 and hasn't looked back. While not tromping the west coast in pursuit of the ubiquitous NOLS Wilderness Med…
In 1979 David took a NOLS Semester Course in Africa with John Gans as a course mate. Since that time he has continued to be a NOLS supporter. In 1…
After earning a degree in History and Philosophy, David served as a college outdoor programs director, running climbing camps at Joshua Tree National…
David Lucchino
Co-Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer
Frequency Therapeutics
David is a life sciences CEO and entrepreneur with ne…
David is an entrepreneur in the global resource sector, focusing predominantly in the mining and oil and gas industries. David has started and fin…
Dave has been teaching for NOLS since 2000. He teaches all course types for NOLS Wilderness Medicine and Risk Services, and thoroughly enjoys it. See…
For 46 months straight, my son and I shared a quest to ski together every month. The journey started decades earlier when I got hooked on outdoor …
Deev is fascinated by nature, and living in a natural surroundings to draw inspiration. He started working as an outdoor educator in 2003 but still c…
Derek has been instructing Wilderness First Aid courses for NOLS Wilderness Medicine since 2008. He began his outdoor education career instructing fo…
As a Colorado native, Devin grew up with a love for the mountains and wilderness. It was his dream to become a NOLS instructor ever since he was 1…
Doug’s earliest outdoor memory was building a fort 60’ up in a tall ponderosa using an old climbing rope he dubbed “ropey.” He currently works as the…
Doug, a NOLS parent, has been volunteering for NOLS since 1994 including serving on the NOLS Advisory Council. In 2002 he took his first course - …
Drew Leemon, director of risk management at NOLS, began his career in outdoor education in 1979 and has held his current position since 1996. Drew ha…
Born in West Virginia, Drew is a mountaineer by birth and vocation, and started his outdoor education career at 16, working at a ropes course and tea…
Dusty is a graduate of the University of Wyoming. After graduation, he worked a variety of jobs including ground fish observer aboard commercial fish…
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