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Ways to Give

A student stops and takes in the flowers and rainbow in the Rocky Mountains.

Cash Gifts

A gift of cash is the simplest and most common way to donate to NOLS. Click here to donate through an automatic cash transfer, with a credit card or PayPal. You can also donate to NOLS by a check made payable to “NOLS Fund” and sent to NOLS, 284 Lincoln St., Lander WY 82520.
Two sailboats anchored near the shore in the bright aqua waters of Baja California, Mexico.

Gifts of Securities

NOLS accepts gifts of publicly and privately traded stock. Click here to find out more information about making stock gifts to NOLS or call us at 800-332-4280.
Woman hiking in Italy's Dolomites.

IRA Charitable Contributions

Supporters 70.5 or older with a traditional IRA are eligible to make a potential tax-free donation to NOLS from their IRAs.
Students cook marshmallows around the campfire at night.

Employer Matches

NOLS accepts matches from thousands of employers. Check with your human resources department to learn if your employer matches your charitable gift to NOLS.
A student llama packing by a body of water in the Wind Rivers.

Donor Advised Funds

DAF Direct makes it easier to support NOLS by giving directly from your donor-advised fund.

Planned Giving

With a planned giving strategy, you can put your assets to work for you and for NOLS. Click here to see what strategies seem right for you, contact us to learn more.
