Camera Aidan Cummings

Welcome to Mexico

Nestled in the protected Coyote Bay, NOLS Mexico is your gateway to the coastal desert and turquoise waters of Baja California. Here you’ll have access to more than 1,000 miles of mountain and marine environments across two Mexican states. Our remote location means that the campus operates completely off the grid: we produce our own solar power for all services. NOLS Mexico is the school’s first international campus and our team’s cultural, generational, and language diversity give it a vibrant, welcoming atmosphere. Most courses start or end their routes in Coyote Bay so you’ll get to maximize your time in the backcountry by kayaking, sailing, or hiking right into or out of campus. Baja California wilderness classrooms range from open ocean to coastal desert—and the outdoor skills you’ll learn range from camping and backpacking to sailing and sea kayaking. You might learn how to handle a Drascombe Longboat in the Sea of Cortez or paddle a kayak along the coastline, making camp on a different beach each night. While backpacking, you might practice speaking Spanish with local communities or learn about the unique ecology of the region’s coastal desert. Whether you’re backpacking in the Sonoran desert or paddling in Conception Bay, you’ll get to soak in a new landscape and culture as you learn lifelong outdoor skills.

Courses in Mexico

About Mexico

Information about this location

Rancho El Coyote Carretera Loreto Mulegé
Baja California Sur KM 107.5

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Come to NOLS Mexico! Learn to be a leader while exploring the Baja Peninsula's unique marine ecosystem, and navigating the beautiful coastline of the Sea of Cortez.

Explore the wonders of NOLS Mexico

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POSTED BY: JEN DULZ ON 6/12/18 10:00 AM

It was hot. I struggled to find shade as our group went through necessary orientation tasks: carry 3-5 water droms behind each boat, assign cook groups, gather group gear, divide group gear, assign and load boats.

Since I'd paddled on a NOLS trip before, I was "voluntold" to be the lead boat in a single kayak. I learned our heading, received a few instructions about monitoring my speed, and then we launched—a group of women on a Baja Sea Kayaking course.

 Read More on the NOLS blog

Two sailboats anchored near the shore in the bright aqua waters of Baja California, Mexico.

Start your journey at NOLS Mexico today


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Credit: Steve Harrington
