Students backpacking by a body of water in Alaska with mountains in the distance.
Camera Betsy Winston

Alaska Backpacking


30 days


16+ yrs



See Dates

Explore Alaska's tundra and mountains

Dive into an unforgettable adventure in the northern wilderness. Backpack through Alaska’s famed mountain ranges and lush green valleys. Work your way up rugged peaks, pausing to admire sweeping views at the summit. Enjoy the long daylight hours of a northern summer as you hike across the tundra and cross braided streams. As you travel, keep your eye out for Dall sheep, moose, caribou, and wolves.

Whether this is your first time backpacking or you’re an experienced outdoorsperson, expect to learn something new each day. Start with the basics, like pitching a tent, cooking on a campstove, and navigating off trail. As you gain confidence, take on more responsibility for route finding and decision making.

Along the way, expand your leadership skills. Practice effective communication and risk management as you work with your team to cross a glacier-fed river. Learn to lead in uncertainty as you encounter new challenges, like navigating a boulder field or finding your way up a steep slope. Return from the Land of the Midnight Sun ready to lead outdoors, in your community, and beyond.

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Essential Eligibility Criteria

Course Dates

7 courses

May 31 - Jun 29, 2025



Jun 3 - Jul 2, 2025



Jun 9 - Jul 8, 2025



Jun 20 - Jul 19, 2025



Jun 2 - Jul 1, 2026



Jun 8 - Jul 7, 2026



Jun 19 - Jul 18, 2026



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What Our Grads Say

“NOLS helped me see the value leaders hold, and the multiple ways one can be more than just a designated leader. I found the importance of being a peer leader and having active followership, roles that are sometimes belittled, the most useful. The greatest reward I got from the entire NOLS course was the idea of positive thinking....Learning to not let myself get into [a negative] mindset during a difficult, long day or even noticing others’ attitude change and helping them steer away from this, is something that I am grateful for and will use outside this trip.” 

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