Unrestricted Bequest

An unrestricted bequest is one intended for the general and best use by NOLS at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.

Such a bequest might read:

I give to the National Outdoor Leadership School, a nonprofit corporation located in Lander, Wyoming, the sum of $__________ (or _____% of my estate; or the property described herein). The property comprising this gift may be used to further the charitable purposes of NOLS at the discretion of its trustees.


Restricted Bequest

As with any gift, donors can restrict bequests for specific purposes. If you create a restricted bequest, please give the school flexibility to meet unforeseen circumstances.

Such a bequest might read:

I give to the National Outdoor Leadership School, a nonprofit corporation located in Lander, Wyoming, the sum of $__________ (or _____% of my estate; or the property described herein) to be used for _______________________ (specify purpose). If, in the opinion of the trustees or their successors, the need for funds for the charitable purpose described above no longer exists at some future date, the trustees or their successors are authorized to use these funds in the best interest of NOLS.


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