Tod has been a NOLS Instructor since 1973 and a volunteer EMT on ambulance and search and rescue squads for the past forty years. He has taught wilderness medicine at NOLS since 1978 and has done many jobs including fitting boots, Staff Director, NOLS Risk Management Director, the NOLS Rocky Mountain School Director and now the curriculum director for NOLS Wilderness Medicine. Tod is a founder of the Wilderness Risk Manager’s Committee, has served on the board of the Wilderness Medical Society and has twice been awarded the Warren Bowman award for contributions to wilderness medicine by a non-physician, as well as the Reb Gregg award for his work in wilderness risk management. He is the author of NOLS Wilderness Medicine and co-author of Risk Management for Outdoor Leaders, as well as multiple articles regarding wilderness medicine. He was part of the first father –son field instructor team at NOLS and hikes, canoes and plays pond hockey and nordic skis as much as he can.