Missy White

Instructor, WFR

Missy White

Missy began her outdoor career canoeing the swamps of southern Louisiana. Tired of the hot, flat, and humid lands, she headed to Wyoming in 1988 and has called Lander home (or stored her stuff there) since. A NOLS Expeditions instructor since 1987, faculty for the Risk Management Training since it debuted in 2006, and a NOLS Wilderness Medicine instructor since 2003, she’s traveled far and wide, for work and for fun. Missy has caved, climbed, hiked, and mountaineered throughout the Rockies, the Pacific Northwest, Patagonia, Bolivia, and Alaska. Notable career/life events: finishing 4.5 days late in attempting a crossing of the Campo de Heilo ice field; teaching WFA's surf side in Hawaii and Maine; skiing across Yellowstone National Park in one day; completing several century and double century plus road rides; and owning two fabulous dachshunds. After graduating from Seattle University with an MA in Organizational Development, she started her own leadership consulting business. She’s an avid knitter, gardens to excess, coaches Nordic skiing, and makes some of the best salsa known to human kind.

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