Marco took his NOLS Field Instructor Course in 1985 and has worked 630+ weeks in the field. Marco took his NOLS Wilderness Medicine Instructor Course in 2005 and has worked over 100 wilderness medicine courses. Marco also spent almost six years at NOLS World Headquarters as the Field Staffing Director. Though field and classroom work are different, both are incredibly exciting and a great deal of fun. Marco finds it incredibly rewarding to hear students say, "Look what I can do," as they come off a course. Having students feel empowered through stepping forward in an emergency medical situation or seeing their pride after leading a group in the backcountry is incredibly rewarding as an educator. Marco also notes how lucky he is to work with such an amazing group of people. “The NOLS community is the largest group of overachievers I’ve met. They continually push themselves to expand their abilities and skills and I'm grateful to be part of such an exciting and dynamic organization. As an instructor, I have the opportunity to travel to different parts of the world, and each student, group, and location is different and unique. This ability to do different things with a variety of amazing people, in incredible environments, and challenge myself keeps me fresh.”