The outdoors have always been a part of Lori’s life for as long as she could remember. She worked as a camp counselor and cabin leader at Courage Camps up north in Minnesota near many of its 10,000 lakes and then Aspen Camp for the Deaf in Colorado where she explored the mountains with Deaf and Hard of Hearing campers. Around this time, she first started her journey with NOLS WIlderness Medicine through a Wilderness First Responder course, which benefited her greatly in Peace Corps where she served as a Deaf Education Volunteer for two years in Guyana, South America. For those who don’t know, Guyana is often mistaken for Ghana in Africa, and if Lori had a dollar for every time someone confuses Guyana with Ghana, she would have few thousand dollars already. After Peace Corps, she set out on a new adventure in Lander with NOLS Wilderness Medicine as an Admissions Officer, helping students become leaders in the wilderness. Outside Wilderness Medicine, she enjoys exploring new places in the backyard of Wyoming, designing and drawing, trying new things, and living the life to the fullest.