Camp Dudley and Kiniya Leadership Expedition

About the expedition

The foundation of the NOLS Camp Dudley and Kiniya Leadership Expedition is to prepare students to assume leadership roles in their lives through excellent teamwork, communication and expedition behavior; live and travel in mountain environments while applying the outdoor skills practiced on this course; connect with natural places that enrich their lives and foster a strong environmental ethic; and apply effective decision-making tools to real-world problems.

This expedition is a 15-day field-based backpacking and rock climbing course, which will take place in the Wind River Range of the Northern Rockies near Lander, Wyoming. On this expedition you’ll work hard traveling over rocky, steep terrain with all of your gear on your back, crossing rivers, and keeping yourself and others warm and well-fed--but you will play hard as well. You will have opportunities to learn to fly-fish, identify wildflowers and wildlife, climb a peak, and take in the spectacular vistas of this mountain wilderness with your friends. You'll learn the skills you need to travel in the mountains long after your course ends.

You can expect three days of rock-climbing on your course. During this time you will receive an introduction to top-rope belay techniques, rappelling, movement on rock, communication, and basic safety techniques. You will encourage your group members as they work through the challenges of reaching the top of a climb and stretch beyond your own personal limits as well.

This NOLS expedition will focus on leadership training throughout—learning and practicing your own travel and camping skills, introducing you to leading an expedition, and taking on increasing levels of personal and team responsibilities for the technical and interpersonal aspects of the course. You will learn to travel competently in mountain terrain using map and compass skills, hazard evaluation, and route-finding techniques while working with and supporting your group members in achieving the goals of the course.



Several students sitting high up on a hill point to snow-capped peaks off in the distance in Patagonia.


For more information contact:

NOLS Expedition Admissions
800-710-6657 ext 1

Dawn Gay, Camp Dudley

