Camera Molly Hunt

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Sea Kayaking in New Zealand - Alumni


Feb 28 - Mar 7, 2025


7 days


18+ yrs



Apply Now

Come explore New Zealand's Marlborough Sounds with NOLS on this week long, lodge based sea kayaking trip. You will paddle about 50 miles as you glide through the protected waters of the Sounds watching for the ocean critters that make their home amongst bays and coves.

The trip starts in Nelson, New Zealand with an orientation evening at the hotel provided for you by NOLS. From there you will visit the NOLS New Zealand campus to pick up gear and see where many students start their first big expeditions. A few hours in the car will transit you to Marlborough Sounds and your kayaking classroom for the next week.

Each night you will paddle to an oceanfront lodge where you will unload enjoy the relative comforts of indoor living. Hiking and shoreline exploration will be a standard evening activity to learn more about the incredible undeveloped area that you will be traveling in.

The trip ends with a drive back to the NOLS Campus and a celebration dinner out on the town in Nelson. 

Overall Difficulty*:



