Camera Travis Welch

Backpacking Nepal’s Khumbu Region - Everest Base Camp


18 days


18+ yrs



See Dates

Nepal is perhaps one of the most sought after trekking destinations in the world, and with good reason. The Himalayas are unsurpassed in their soaring heights, beauty, and legends and Nepal has a rich history of people living among these fabled giants. Famously friendly to trekkers as well, the country has integrated a wide network of small villages into the tourism sector building up infrastructure for comfortable long-distance trekking.

For this trek, NOLS travels through the well-established trekking region of the Khumbu, skirting the edges of the most popular walks to add some increased rigor and the corresponding decrease in crowds. The Khumbu might be a famous region where Tibetan Buddhism is still alive but it is still a remote area of the world with countless opportunities to explore and learn. This region is known for the native populations, the Sherpa people, and the Himalayan giants that soar above trekkers. You will have the unique experience of living at the intersection of these two things. 

The high point of this trip will be a morning hike up Kala Patthar (18,200') in the later portion of the trek. This minor summit looks towards Everest, typically providing even more astounding views than Basecamp itself. While visiting Basecamp is a novelty of high altitude mountaineering, we believe that the views from Kala Patthar are what make the trek unforgettable.

Trekking in Nepal was never meant to be a week long, short affair with the mountains but rather a drawn out exploration. Spending substantial time on this trip will allow you to settle into the rhythm of the trek and get further from roads than most will ever imagine. In truth, this trek stays within the comfortable tea house system while paradoxically feeling remote in the road-less expanse. Travel of this nature asks for a true commitment to Nepal, time and energy will have to be focused on this journey to make it successful.

This trip is a porter supported expedition where we will lean on local resources as well as supporting the local economy. This has become the standard and an expectation in Nepal and is often how foreigners can help the most. Additionally, your pack will be lighter for the trip, allowing you to climb high and hike mileage that would be very challenging with a full pack on your back.

The Tea Houses on this route are simple lodging and food establishments. Offering delicious meals and basic lodging so that tents and cooking setups are unnecessary. These Tea Houses have been connected to local trade routes for hundreds of years and represent an evolution of a long-held tradition of trekking and trading in the Himalayas. Local Nepali food is typically a highlight for anyone who stays in Tea Houses, but variations of basic western cuisine can typically be found as well.

High altitude hiking is a challenging endeavor for anyone who hasn't spent weeks acclimatizing. The route profile that we have put together provides good opportunity to ease into the elevations of the Himalaya but physical conditioning beforehand is important to your enjoyment. While light packs certainly make this trek more enjoyable, everyone will spend a bit of their time working and breathing hard while you build stamina to the oxygen poor environment.

This trip is focused on the backcountry beauty of the Himalayas but does include some time in Kathmandu for cultural sightseeing.

Come along with NOLS as we explore the less traveled paths to Everest Basecamp!

Overall Difficulty:

*The hiking can be strenuous and is at high elevations, but porters carry most of the weight and you will have plenty of time for each day's goals.

Course Dates

1 course

Apr 7 - 24, 2025

Pre and post trip lodging in Kathmandu included


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