No Injuries Reported After India Mountaineering Course Struck by Avalanche

UPDATED April 22, 2023

Lander, Wyo. — UPDATED April 22, 2023, Initially Released April 21, 2023 — At approximately 9:30 p.m. local time on April 20, 2023, a NOLS India Mountaineering course was struck by an avalanche while camped at an established location at 14,000 feet in the Garhwal region of the Himalayas. While no one was injured, the group’s tents and equipment were covered by avalanche debris.

For more information, please click here.


COVID-19 Updates


Updates as of October 25, 2022

Schoolwide Updates October 2022

Effective Monday, 26 December 2022 NOLS will no longer require students, participants, or employees to be vaccinated for COVID-19. Until then, we still require that all students be fully vaccinated to prioritize individuals' health, and reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19. Vaccination and being up-to-date on boosters is still strongly encouraged. We will continue to prioritize practices aimed at reducing COVID-19 transmission on our courses. As such, our existing COVID-19 field and classroom practices will remain in place. In specific cases, NOLS will adhere to vaccination requirements that are based on governmental, sponsor, or other partner organization requirements.

General FAQ

  • Where can I find information on NOLS' practices to limit the spread of COVID-19 on all courses?

    You may view the most current practices for preventing the spread of COVID-19 on our COVID-19 Practices page.

  • What is the school’s risk management policy?

    Risk is essential to a NOLS education. We operate in dynamic, unpredictable environments and practice thoughtful and effective risk management to attain our educational objectives. Contracting COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, is a risk for everyone and (like other risks) cannot be eliminated.

    The principles for NOLS COVID-19 risk management are:

    • Informed consent
    • Require COVID-19 vaccines
    • Reduce virus transmission
    • Hygiene: Emphasis on hand washing or sanitizing to prevent flu-like illness
    • Screening for symptoms (daily health checks)
    • Monitoring for symptoms of COVID-19
  • Can I enroll on a NOLS course at this time?

    Yes! We encourage you to do so and will provide flexibility so that you can have the time and information you need to complete your application. In the event your course cancels, we are providing full tuition refunds, opportunities to transfer to a future course, and other student support. 

    Please bear in mind that we are monitoring COVID-19 impacts closely and if external indicators, the CDC and governing authorities provide guidance that would not allow NOLS to operate, your course status may change. We invite you to view courses online.
